Well that was embarrassing...Jan 18th 2019

Today was a strange walk....yep even stranger than the strange walks I've had on national strange walking day. Fust of all we was walking up the road, I was deep in nostrilation of the local lampposts.

Dad and poobag were talking hooman rubbish when we seen a labbyrador on the uvver side of the road. It was just heading into a side street wiv it's hoomans when all of a sudden a hooman wiv a phone rushed towards them saying 'ooh can I have a picture please?' Well the hoomans and doglet seemed delighted and stood posing for their moment of fame. She walked straight past them though and said 'Sorry not you, I want that dog over the road'....Well it was a licckle embarryarsing I have to say cos they didn't look best pleased when she crossed the road and starting taking me piccie. Well what can I say? I can't help being this handsome can I?

Later in the walk a hooman was walking towards us wiv three doglets....they was in the distance and dad said to poobag 'Look at those three staffies' Well poobag looked and said they aren't staffies they're tiny....they're chiwawawawawa's. As they got closer though she looked again and said 'ooh they're getting bigger, I think they are staffies'.......Now peoples I know I'm not the same species as the people who supposedly run this planet but even I know that fings look smaller in the distance and get bigger as they get closer......

Can you see what I have to put up wiv on a daily basis? She don't even have the excuse of being blonde anymore.....

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