It's a Christmas Miracle - A feelgood festive poem

A Christmas miracle

Starring Monty Dogge, Cookie bear (aka the heffalump) and the Three Cockeyed Spangles Molly, Poppy and Bailey.

It was Christmas time but summat was wrong

The Robin in the garden had no festive song

It just sat on the fence with a sad little face

And its chirpy disposition had gone without trace

When we went for our usual walk to the park

It was hard to see anything cos it was so dark

The Christmas star was nowhere to be seen

Everyone was confused what did all this mean

I decided we needed an answer for sure

So, me and the heffalump went out of the door

It was a Christmas mystery we needed to untangle

And when I looked behind, along came the spangles

I said all spread out - and let's find out what's up

We needed some answers so I send out the pups

A little while later we all got back together

But some of the answers they weren't very clever

Poppy did know what she had to do

But she got distracted by a pile of fox poo

By the time she had rolled in and eaten her fill

She just couldn't move cos she felt rather ill

Molly started the quest with the best of intentions

But there was summat when we met she just had to mention

She'd done really well and got as far as the Wirral

But then everything changed when she saw a....SQUIRREL

Bailey forgot what the task was about

So, the information he brought back was basically nowt

He did say though he'd had fusses and treats

My brother is not known for his intellectual feats

Well the heffalump decided she'd speak to the bird

But word had got out and the Robin had heard

It attempted to fly but as it started to climb

Cookie shook madly and covered tweety in slime

So, no answers were there from the rest of my crew

It was up to me now, I had summat to do

Luckily for me I didn't have to go far

Cos after half an hour walking I tripped over the star

It was sat in a field with no light given out

I need to find out was this mystery was about

I spoke to the star and asked why it was sad

It said Christmas was over....the whole world was bad

Hoomans were unkind and love was all gone

The star had a point (well 5 actually) but I thought she was wrong

I had to save Christmas there was only one way

I would prove there was goodness if I had my way

I came up with a plan it seemed a good one to me

I’d show hoomans were kind and then the star it would see

So I wrote a long poem and asked people to donate

It would help lots of others and make their Christmas great

Then something magical happened, it was slowly at first

And I’ll admit at the beginning I’d feared the worst

Money came in and the total it grew

There are so many kind hoomans but that was summat I knew

Then out of the darkness the star started to shine

It realised that so many hoomans were kind

As it got brighter it saw good deeds everywhere

Although it doesn’t always seem it people really do care

Every day there is kindness if you look you will see

And the star shone so brightly cos it had to agree

The darkness had gone (1 hit wonders) and Christmas was back

Saving the day was becoming a bit of a knack

The only thing left was our red breasted friend

We needed it chirpy for the sadness to end

I was so very happy when I heard that bird sing

Even though it’s poor little body was stuck to its wing

So that is my tale take from it what you will

But I guess I’m saying there is plenty of good still

Be kind to each other and the goodness will grow

And be sure if you don’t that star will soon know

Happy Christmas to all and to all a goodnight

Mark SandersComment