A Mont’s Cwissymouse Carol – Christmas 2018

Part 1 – Not a nice man


It was a dark cold day in early December

The fire was dying it was only an ember

We had no more coal so we sat in the frost

We weren't allowed more by order The Boss


This was the scene as dogs shivered together

Too poor to stay warm in the cold winter weather

Food too was scarce it was seen as much waste

They survived every day with barely a taste


My job was to help in the dog’s home each day

But the hours were long and there was little pay

I had a family to feed I was over a barrel

This is my story.... It's a Mont’s Cwissymouse carol


 In cages so bare they peered out with sad eyes

And at night I was haunted by their pitiful cries

The boss was a cruel man who loved only one thing

The cash that these poor little doglets could bring


He pretended to rescue them but it was fake

It was all about how much profit he could make

He would find them or steal them and then ask for a fee

He was the rottenest hooman it was possible to be


Some he would keep and they would be bred

All alone in the yard in a cold and dark shed

Puppy after puppy the poor girls produced

Underfed and neglected they were badly abused


Tiny Tim the Chihuahua was so feeble and thin

The way he was treated was really a sin

I was worried about what his future would bring

So, I sneaked extra food for the poor licckle thing


Three days before cwissymouse the boss had a visit

Mr Scrooge they said do you object if we sit?

We wanted to talk about the sick and the poor

We felt that you’d want to donate some for sure


Well the Boss wasn’t happy and told them quite clear

People wanting his money weren’t welcome round here

He showed them the door and slammed it behind

I did tell you this wasn’t a hooman who’s kind


 All day I had summoned the courage to ask

For a day off at cwissymouse it was a horrible task

He tutted and grumbled and looked with a frown

And when he finally spoke he brought his fist down


A day off? What all day? And paid for as well?

He agreed but I knew that he’d make my life hell

The dogs would go hungry as I wouldn’t be there

He wouldn’t do it because he just didn’t care


Part 2 – A plan is hatched


I could stand it no more I needed a plan

I just had to try and change this awful man

That night at home I just couldn’t sleep

I had made myself a promise and it was one I must keep


I needed some help that much it was clear

But who could make him shake with dread and with fear

There was only one person that I knew I could trust

Cookie bear aka hairy slobbernosserus


The plot had been hatched and everything it was set

But my lips are sealed I can’t spoil the story yet

You’ll soon see if it my plan all worked out

Good stories are designed to keep you all in doubt


At six o clock on that cold cwissymouse Steve

And just before it was time for me to leave

I asked to give the doglets some cwissymouse treats

More food or even just some added heat

Scrooge said just go I’ve had enough of you

Days off and then being wasteful too

‘Happy cwissymouse sir’ I saw him shrug

And then replied…ah bah humbug


Scrooge locked up on that night and headed home

Nothing out of the ordinary just him there alone

As he let himself in he felt something strange

He couldn’t quite say but something had changed


Soon that became clear and did he make a fuss

When he came face to face with the slobbernosserus

Soon fear took over and he listened intently

As this hooge hairy beast explained pretty gently


This night you’ll be visited three times, listen up

Cos these will be very educational pups

Take their advice this isn’t a threat

Or at least we haven’t got that far just yet


Part 3 – Night visitors (Cwissymouse past)


That night our villain found sleep not too easy

He tossed and turned in his bed and felt pretty queasy

At last he slept but it wasn’t too well

Then suddenly he woke at the midnight bell


Out of the shadows a figure appeared

Curly of coat and dangly eared

The creature finally spoke at last

'I'm Molly the spangle of cwissymouse past'

You need to follow me, this strange visitor said

And to the wide-open window our villain was led

She flew outside, but he wouldn't budge

So the slobbernosserus gave him a gentle nudge


Through the dark star filled night they flew and they flew

Then they came on a familiar scene old scrooge knew

A boy sat crying alone for his loss

Yes, this sweet heartbroken child was now my cruel boss


His dog had passed and it was his only friend

He felt at that moment his heart would never mend

Then into the room his father appeared

A humourless cold man with a long wispy beard


He mocked his son told him to grow up

Be a man and stop crying over a silly pup

He threw down some money on the bed by the boy

And sneered…’Get yourself another toy’


Scrooge saw the scene his young self-grieve

He wanted to get home, wanted to leave

Molly spangle saw clearly his pain and his woes

Come on she said softly now it’s time to go


Part 4 – Night visitors (Cwissymouse present)


Scrooge woke in bed a dream he thought

It must have been that glass of port

But as he dozed he was in for a shock

As the church bell rang out one o clock.

Once again came a creature right next to his bed

This time it was younger and brown coated instead

As night visitors go this one seemed quite pleasant

I’m Bailey he said the spangle of cwissymouse present


Off to the window the two of them went

This time he accepted didn’t need to be sent

Once more through the night they travelled together

Unaffected by gravity or winter weather


They came to a house with a family sat round

They peered through the window not making a sound

What he saw wasn’t joy from those sat round the tree

But tears and unhappiness that was easy to see


‘Has somebody died?’ Scrooge asked almost concerned

No, their pet dog went missing and hasn’t returned

He’s probably locked up in a cage all alone

While his family are frantic and worried at home


Come on said his host there is more yet to see

But Scrooge wasn’t happy ‘why do you torture me?’

Can I change what I’m seeing or is it written in stone

I promise I’ll change if you let me go home


Bailey ignored him and beckoned him come

This time when they landed Scrooge was silent and glum

They were watching a party and the guests laughed and joked

These were family of Scrooge, he was silent as they spoke


 Well we asked him to come but we do every year

But humbug was his answer his feelings were clear

He’d rather stay home and just count all his money

And they teased him and joked that old Scrooge he was funny


Just take me home now pleaded Scrooge near to tears

Now looking much older than his sixty-two years

Once again, he awoke in his own bed at home

But this time he knew that he wasn’t alone


Part 5 – Night visitors (Cwissymouse future)


The bell had struck two and he waited in dread

As slowly a figure moved close to the bed

I’m poppy she said but he could say nothing

I’m the spangle that will show you what the future will bring


He obediently followed now so used to the script

Into the night sky they silently slipped

They travelled for minutes or was it for hours

Time just seemed to freeze so great were her powers


Then all of a sudden, they were there on the ground

And from every direction was a piercing sound

Carried on the night air were the terrified screams

Of dogs locked in cages and their nightmarish dreams


It was where Scrooge made his money the place built on greed

Where a dog never knew when the next time he’d feed

The old man looked around at what he had created

And in an instant, he knew it was himself that he hated

Please stop this I’ll change I promise right now

I won’t let this happen I’ll stop it somehow

But Poppy had more and determined was she

Though she knew that the old man was deep in misery


They moved through a crowd and as the view became clear

They were stood by a graveside and Poppy drew him near

She pointed to him and he peered at the stone

When he read out the inscription he let out a moan


Tiny Tim he lies here put by one man’s neglect

And Poppy knew immediately this had had the right effect

Scrooge sank to his knees and he cried in the night

‘I’m sorry for every poor doglets sad plight’


I’m sorry he screamed and he sobbed real tears

Not like anything he had experienced for years

He was that boy once again who lost his best friend

And he knew in this instant his bad deeds he would mend


Part 6 – Cwissymouse. A new day


When he opened his eyes, daylight flooded his room

And he flung open the window now free from his gloom

Down below stood a boy and old scrooge shouted out

What day is it lad have I missed cwissymouse out?


No, it’s cwissymouse day said the boy it’s today

I have an errand for you that will handsomely pay

Scrooge said do you know of the butchers at the end of the street

Please get me the big free-range turkey for my dogs to eat

Scrooge threw down the money but it hit the boys head

And instead of going shopping he sued him instead

When he finally thought that his deeds were spot on

He had a summons from injury lawyer’s dot com


Despite all the hiccups the day still worked out

The turkey was bought and the doglets pigged out

Scrooge kept to his word and from that day to this

He kept to that three spangle cwissymouse promise


He made it his mission to find homes for forever

And starvation and cold they wouldn’t feel ever

He opened a rescue and it was the best it could be

And those old rusty cages were mere history


Heated beds and great food with kindness and love

It’s like Mr Scrooge had an almighty shove

But even though he got persuaded with fear

Hoomans can change and the proof is right here


You may be left wondering what happened to me

Well I got a pay rise and Tiny Tim is happy

It was team effort and we tried a new angle

With a slobbernosserus and three well-meaning spangles


Money is fine but it isn’t what’s real

It’s much more important how you make people feel

We should all spread some kindness we should all spread some love

Or you too could end up with a slobbernosserus shove


 Finally, this is the end of my tale

I hope that it’s always the good that prevails

I hope that my message of kindness will travel

And that you enjoyed the Mont’s cwissymouse carol



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